About Aishwarya
Aishwarya is a marketing professional with a passion for combining creativity, data, and empathy to influence business decisions. A second year MBA candidate at Rotman, Aishwarya’s background is in marketing and business development across technology and consumer goods. Between her first and second year at Rotman, she interned with General Mills Canada Corporation and her strengths lie in connecting with people and leveraging cross-cultural teams to drive growth.
She is deeply passionate about the work around equity and this has manifested throughout her life. Whether it has been leading a social campaign to increase access of sanitary essentials for underprivileged girls or leading Rotman’s LGBTQ2+ student group, Aishwarya has been a consistent champion for diversity and equity and hopes to make the world a kinder and more inclusive place for all.
MBA Student Fellow Project
In her report, Acting as Allies: Understanding student allyship and its barriers, Aishwarya details the experiences of performative allyship and its implications in university students. Aishwarya explores how students cope with feeling like outsiders, empathy, and social discomfort. She provides a road map for how academic institutions can deepen equity, diversity and inclusion work to inform students on participatory allyship and facilitate social inclusion.