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Anne Bowers is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Rotman. Her primary research interest include how classification shapes market outcomes, particularly the impact of rating systems, market categories and social categories on organizational performance. In a second stream of research, she studies how information flows among market intermediaries, and how their non-market strategies affect the overall level of information available to the market at large. Research settings include the financial services sector (equity research, relationship banking) as well as online marketplaces, such as eBay.

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Selected Publications – Papers

Academic / Professional Service

2012- Editorial Board, Administrative Science Quarterly
2012- Editorial Board, Organization Science
2016- Editorial Board, Sociological Science
2016- Editorial Board, Strategic Organization

Honors and Awards

2009-2012 Excellence in Teaching; Rotman School of Management
2011 Research Grant ($93,739; co-PI with Joel Baum); SSHRC
2013 Insight Development Grant ($61,876); SSHRC

Research and Teaching Interests

My research to date focuses on how social classification and market intermediaries impact market information. Market information, such as ratings, forecasts, and rankings, assists in exchange by providing summary evaluations that potential audiences can use to assess the value of particular firms or products.

My work examines how market information may be shaped by cognitive, social, and strategic processes that complicate the relationship between firms and products themselves and the information created about them. I am currently interested in the creation of rating systems and rankings and the effects that such creation has on firm performance.