Nicola Lacetera
Faculty Research Fellow
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Nicola Lacetera is a Professor in the Department of Management at the University of Toronto Mississauga (Institute for Management and Innovation), with a cross-appointment to the Strategic Management area at Rotman and to the Economics Department. He also serves as the PhD Coordinator for the Strategic Management Area at Rotman. Among other affiliations, he is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Faculty Associate at the U of T Centre for Ethics. He is an applied economist who studies how institutions, culture and moral values interact with individuals’ motivations, and influence the performance of (or support for) certain activities. In a first line of inquiry, he has collaborated with several non-profit organizations to conduct field experiments to study the motivations for altruistic behaviour, and in particular blood and organ donations. A second line of research concerns how ethical beliefs affect the acceptance of certain “controversial” transactions (such as paying for blood or organs, patenting living organisms, or prostitution). Third, he is studying how different choice architectures affect the ascension fo men and women to higher organizational positions. A further research interest concerns the relationship between culture, institutions, science and industrial organization.