Nishtha Taneja
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Nishtha is a full-time MBA candidate at Rotman School of Management. Before Rotman, she worked as a project manager in the fintech domain, a highly male-represented industry which opened her eyes to the many challenges that women face in an economic setup. Inspired by her mother and the several women she met during her 12 years of volunteering experience with Rotary International, she became an advocate of gender equality and worked on many projects to set up vocational centers for women in slums. During her undergraduate studies, she came across incidences of colorism and reflected on her own experiences of skin color bias that she faced growing up. This motivates her to work on understanding and addressing this issue at a corporate level. Through this experience, she hopes to leverage the mentorship and support network of the GATE team to create a toolkit to address the colorism that women face in a professional space.