Lavender Ceiling: LGBTQ+ Board Directors in Canada
A research overview on LGBTQ+ representation in Canadian corporate boards. In partnership with LGBTQ+ Corporate Directors Canada Association.
The unequal burden of care: How does parental leave affect immigrant care workers in Canada?
Immigrant women experience financial penalties after taking time off for their children.
Shining a light on boardroom diversity: Lessons from comply-or-explain regulations
Comply-or-explain disclosure regulations for board diversity show promise, but only if they create true transparency.
How do you cope?: How employees with communication impairments experience professional isolation
Employees with more severe communication impairments are more likely to psychologically disengage as a coping mechanism. This has consequences for their careers.
Was it me or was it gender discrimination?
Incidents of ambiguous discrimination are prevalent among women professionals. They are mentally taxing, but women don’t report them.
Discriminated and disadvantaged: Disability discrimination shows up before children enter the classroom
Children with disabilities are discriminated against before they even start school, and even more when parents are perceived to be Black.